Coming down the home stretch!

Wow what an experience this website ended up being for me. I have certainly met some really cool people, drank some amazing beer, visited some kick ass breweries, and opened a lot of doors business wise by making this blog. I gotta be honest in saying I used to scoff at blogging, but I really underestimated the blogosphere in general.

I never thought almost a year ago when making this site that it would have received the publicity and attention it has. I got acknowledgment from a beer Legend Lew Bryson, became personal friends and made a few websites for Phill from the #1 rated beer store in the world Vintage Estate, had beer sent to me from Japan, a feature in an article on a local online webzine (click if you want to see my ugly mug), and props from major breweries like Short’s and Smuttynose. I’m also probably going to break the 50,000 hits plateau here in the next day or so. I never expected any of this as I was just doing this website for fun, but it really ended up taking on a life of its own.

Thanks again to everyone for reading and commenting! Doing this on my own without some of the comments/feedback I have been receiving would have been boring. For what its worth I am going to go into the bonus round even after the 365 beers are up. Although I will not be updating everyday, probably 2/3 times a week instead of a full 7. For these last 23 beers or so I plan on breaking out some really good stuff from the basement, and will try to knock off a good bit of the top100 beers on BeerAdvocate. Also taking suggestions, what beers have you had recently that I should try? Post in the comments section as I want some suggestions for my last beers, and just your feedback on the site in general. How long have you been reading? How did you find the site? I would be interested to hear.

Thanks again and Cheers!

Published in: on October 17, 2010 at 10:09 am  Comments (10)  

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. You should try Troegs Flying Mouflan: It’s one of my favorite barleywines.

    • I have a bottle of that in the basement! Not sure if it is going to make it into the final 15, but I will review it after the initial 365 probably.

      • I got two bottles the last time we went to the brewery. We drank one fresh for the full hop flavor, but I’ve kept one in the basement. I look forward to hearing your review of an aged one.

  2. Great job. It’s been a fun run even just on the reading side. Reading your reviews was fun, bringing me back to the beers I enjoyed, or sometimes didn’t, and especially seeing what you thought of beers I’ve never had.


    • Thanks Jared! To be honest I never would have gotten into trading if it werent for you, so I am sure the quality of beer I reviewed on this site would have been much less in that case.

  3. I just had a Weheinstephaner festbier last night. Awesome and you may want to try it before they are gone. Not a normal marzen style beer (at least not found over here, I can’t speak for Europe). Loved it and would highly recommend it.

    Also, if you want to try an imperial pilsner that isn’t all pine, you may want to try Heavy Seas Small Craft Warning. That is one of my favs. Very smooth, not much in the way of hops, and packs a nice punch.

    Sight is great. One of my favorite to read. I forget how I found it, but probably through some other bloggers site out there. Keep it up.

    • Thanks Rich! Appreciate the comments. As far as the festbier goes, I do not think Vintage Estate carries that but I will have to check. They do carry Craft Warning though so I will pick that up for sure. Probably will end up being after the 365 and in the “Bonus Round” but thats okay! Thanks again for the suggestions.

  4. Hey man, congrats on doing so damn well.

    I haven’t been checking it out for a while and I just checked in; you’re so close! Wow!

    Thanks again for getting me more into beer and for just generally having a great blog.

    • He’s Alive!!! I wondered where you went, you were my first real follower so that is much appreciated, and good to hear from you. How are things?

      • Not too bad, finished uni for the year, I’ve got several months of free time ahead of me.

        I haven’t bought any craft beer in ages, I should get on it. If I end up buying anything I’ll let you know, of course.

        One of my friends who works in a bottleshop bought some Canadian Coffee Imperial Stout of some kind the other night, he hated it, haha. I was designated driver so I couldn’t have any, but nobody else liked it either, hehe.

        So, after that they got a normal beer, made coffee and mixed it themselves, haha.

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