Beer 315/365 – Amstel Light

Amstel Light

Style: Light Lager

ABV: 3.5%

Purchased at: Open bar at my buddie’s wedding.

What makes this beer different: Amstel is Dutch for Urine.

Will I be drinking this again: No…

Grade: D+

9/19/2010: All I had to pick from at my friend Donnie’s reception was Miller Lite, Yuengling, and Amstel Light. I love me some yuengling, but I already had one for my 365 journey, so Amstel Light it is. Keep in mind I am drinking this after having about 4 shots of Grand Marnier. I had to do something to calm my nerves over the speech, which didn’t go to bad by the way.

Can’t get much from the nose as I am drinking this from a can, but I am getting some grain. There seems to be two ends of the scale when it comes to Big Market light lagers, ones with not enough flavor (Coors light), and ones with too much crappy flavor (this beer). Its like biting in a super stale piece of bread… just old tasting. Not really sure how to describe it to be honest. A bit full and bubbly for a light lager. Just not a pleasant experience.

Picture of the day: Molestation via sexting?

Published in: on September 19, 2010 at 11:23 am  Comments (1)  
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Beer 49 – Miller Lite

Style: Light Lager

Purchased at: Nowhere, had it at a tailgate.

What makes this beer different: Distinct urine taste

Will I be drinking this again: Yes only because it seems to be the beer of choice at tailgates

Grade: C-

12/27/2009: This beer is unique because it is made from human pee that is collected from the bottom of restroom troughs at your local sporting event, and then fermented with the finest urinal cakes money cannot buy.

Okay seriously Miller Lite on a “beer snob” scale is terrible, but of the three major light beers (Coors and Bud being the others) I would have to say this one is my beer of choice. This is only because it actually has SOME flavor; albeit a less than average flavor. Bud and Coors light both just taste like water to me. I mindlessly drink these and can take down a half dozen or so in no time because I seriously feel as if I am drinking stale vitamin water.

Published in: on December 27, 2009 at 8:13 pm  Comments (4)  
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