Beer 368/365 – Traquiar 900

Traquiar 900

Style: English Barleywine

ABV: 9.0%

Purchased at: Vintage Estate – Boardman, OH

What makes this beer different: Most cola tasting beer ever.

Will I be drinking this again: Honestly I was pretty disappointed with this one.

Grade: B-

12/7/2010: Pretty excited to try this one. Traquair 900 is only my second English Barleywine, and I loved the other one so here is hoping this was is good as well (JW Lees Harvest Ale). Igave Phill from VE a BA Blackout stout and he gave me a 2002 Aventinus, and the Traquair in return. I gotta be honest in saying that I have never even heard of this beer so no idea what to expect.

Traquair 900 does not have a strong smell to it, some sweet malt, caramel. The flavor is not at all what I was expecting, to be honest it was a lot like a watered down cola. Some caramel in the mix, a bit of wood, and a tobacco like kick as well. I am not that familiar with the style but the mouthfeel is very light, nothing like the JW Lees Ale that I had before. A bit under-carbonated as well. I am not that familiar with the style but this beer was pretty underwhelming in my opinion. Does not hold a candle to the JW Lees Vintage Harvest Ale.

Picture of the day: What do you mean the gold was fake?

Beer 362/365 – J.W. Lees Vintage Harvest Ale

JW Lees Vintage Harvest Ale

Style: English Barleywine

ABV: 11.5%

Purchased at: Vintage Estate – Boardman OH

What makes this beer different: Super sweet but still really good.

Will I be drinking this again: Pricey but might have been worth the $8.99 price tag.

Grade: A+

11/5/2010: Phill out at Vintage Estate has been telling me for a while how good this beer is, but I could never bite the bullet on spending $8.99 for 9.3oz of beer. My last trip to VE I decided to finally pull the trigger since I wanted to get some really good beer for my last dozen or so. He had the 1999, 2001 and 2002 vintage’s, and said that his favorite was the 2001 so I decided to go for that one. Oh this is also my first ever English Barleywine, so not sure what to expect.

Tons of sweet caramel and toffee in the nose of Harvest Ale, semi-musty as well. The flavor is abundant and extremely unique; malty, sticky and almost port-like in a way. Lots of toffee, caramel, some honey, some wood, and a bit of earthiness. Mouthfeel is almost syrupy, but still creamy if that makes sense. I have never had a beer that was this sweet, yet this drinkable. Had trouble not drinking this beer in only 10 minutes, very good and very unique.

Picture of the day: Super Market Mario.