Beer 58/365 – Warsteiner Premium Dunkel

Style: Munich Dunkel Lager

Purchased at: Siciliano’s Market – Grand Rapids MI

What makes this beer different: dahhh

Will I be drinking this again: Maybe with your mouth (okay that sounds weird)

Grade: C-

1/05/2010: Anyone remember the Keystone bitter beer face commercials? If not go here to see one of the many that were made a few years back. This beer is unique because its the first one out of 58 to force me to make the bitter beer face. Not bitter in the good hop type of way, bitter like eww get this crap out of my mouth bitter. Other beers that I graded C’s were because I didn’t like the flavors, not enough flavor, or just didn’t sit right with me. But this one seems like it just wasn’t brewed correctly; possibly fermented with cat urine. This is the first beer I contemplated dumping out, but lets get serious I didn’t want to interfere with my beer a day mission here.

This kind of tastes like if you were to mix together a burnt piece of 297 grain bread your gram used to make you eat when you were young, mixed with some 1945 pennies, and finished off with crushed up penicillin. Sound appetizing to you? Okay seriously I know this beer wasn’t skunked because the drink by date was 8/7/10 (my birthday weird), but it sure tasted like it. This beer isn’t really worth me typing a detailed flavor profile up. Man drinking crappy beer is a nice way for me to vent my anger through this blog, maybe I should do it more often! haha.

So what is the worst tasting beer you have ever had (post in comments below)? I think I might go out of my way to drink any super crappy beer you suggest because this was almost like therapy for me. It gave me a better appreciation for GOOD beer. This one was pretty bad but not the worst. The worst I would have to say was Camo Ice. We used to bong 24oz cans of this stuff in college almost as a right of passage. I did 4 in one night within two hours, and next day I was in the hospital with this weird rash (no joke).

Published in: on January 5, 2010 at 9:03 pm  Comments (3)  
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