Beer 340/365 – Short’s The Magician

Shorts The Magician

Style: Irish Red Ale

ABV: 6.0%

Purchased at: Sent in a trade

What makes this beer different: Almost tastes like a Scotch Ale.

Will I be drinking this again: Meh probably not, nothing special/unique going on here.

Grade: B-

10/14/2010: Why this one is called the magician? Great question. I don’t know the answer, but I do know I love Irish Red Ale’s so I am hoping this one is solid. Although I made the mistake of reading some reviews on Beer Advocate before actually tasting the beer. I usually avoid doing that because I feel like it sets a bit of an expectation before actually drinking the beer.

The nose is toasty and sweet toffee. The flavor reminds me much more of a light bodied scotch ale than it does an irish red. Lots of sweetness of an Irish red; Toffee, Toasted caramel, and a tiny bit of dark fruit. Semi-metallic thing going on as well. Not really getting any hop kick from this brew. Mouthfeel is light and its a bit under carbonated. Probably the least impressive offering from Short’s that I have tried to date.

Picture of the day: Happy Birthday to the best gaming system ever.

Published in: on October 14, 2010 at 10:30 am  Comments (3)  
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