Beer 385/365- 21st Amendment Fireside Chat

21st Amendment Fireside Chat

Style: Winter Warmer

ABV: 7.9%

Purchased at: Sent in a trade

What makes this beer different: Ugh, this beer is a sloppy mess.

Will I be drinking this again: Nope, its been a while since I’ve had a beer this bad.

Grade: C-

3/31/2011: Anyone who has followed my site for a while knows I love canned craft beer. I haven’t had much from 21st amendment yet, but what I have had was pretty damn good for a Belgiain in a can (Monks Blood). So here is hoping that this one is good!

The nose of this beer is actually really nice; bready, caramel, some chocolate… So far so good. The first sip is… confusing? The first thing you get is sharp sour lemons, then some caramel and breadiness. The sourness is not an infected sour taste, but straight up lemons. Very odd. The mouthfeel falls short as well, very light for the ABV. Boozy as well. If you see it on the shelves be sure to avoid this one.

Picture of the day: Gotta hate when the hand turkey appears.

Beer 162/365 – 21st Amendment Monk’s Blood

Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale

ABV: 8.3%

Purchased at: Jared send this to me as an extra in a trade.

What makes this beer different: Very sweet smelling and tasting, a little off on the mouthfeel

Will I be drinking this again: Yes I liked this one a lot, a pretty affordable BSDA as well.

Grade: A-

4/19/2010: My first beer from 21st Amendment. I am a huge fan of craft beer in cans, not quite sure why? This is also the first Belgian I have ever had from a can, so this should be interesting. I gotta admit a can looks kind of funny next to a chalice.

The text on the can mentions that figs, vanilla, cinnamon, and oak are used in making this beer. You crack this bad boy open and you instantly smell dark fruits and vanilla. Not as much head as a normal BSDA. The taste is very good, figs, cherry, a nice splash of vanilla, and a pinch of cinnamon. I really am not getting any of the “oak” mentioned on the label at all. I give the taste of Monk’s Blood an A, but the mouthfeel is where it dropped a few points for me. It didn’t have that yeasty/bubbly/creamy feel that you love with a BSDA. Overall though for the price of this beer I was very impressed, and will be drinking it again.

Picture of the day: Not the place you want to actually want to take your kids on bring your kids to work day.

Published in: on April 19, 2010 at 12:11 pm  Comments (1)  
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